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Face Filler
Temporary fillers include the following materials: Hyaluronic acid, a sugar that is naturally found in the body. Calcium hydroxylapatite, a mineral and a major component of bone. Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biodegradable, synthetic material.
At Bellevue Laser & Skin Care, we have Juvederm filler/ Teoxane filler(RHA2,3,4)/ Radiesse filler/ Belotero filler. And we are focusing on treating fine lines, Chin, temple area and lips.
*As a valid provider, you could find us on their official website.
填充物包括以下材料: 透明质酸,一种天然存在于体内的糖。羟基磷灰石钙,一种矿物质,是骨骼的主要成分。聚-L-乳酸 (PLLA),一种可生物降解的合成材料。在本诊所,我们提供乔雅登玻尿酸填充、泰奥、瑞德喜以及柏丽玻尿酸填充,主要针对改善皱纹、下巴塑形、太阳穴填充以及嘴部填充。
*可在以上填充品牌官网find provider找到我们。
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